Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yesterday Morning

his morning(Tuesday) after I took my dad to work I got in a wreck. Surprisingly, I wasn't the one who hit anyone(since I haven't had much sleep last night and woke up about 2 or 3 this morn). I was stopped behind someone and letting them turn and after they turned I was just starting to go and a Yellow Taxi cab hit me. I was so scared. At first I was shocked and didn't understand what happend and so I drove a few yards when I realized I had been hit so I stopped the van and turned the engine off. I was shaking and crying. I found the insurance document and realized how it all happened and that it wasn't my fault, so I wasn't in trouble or anything. I didn't know if anyone called the police or not until the taxi guy came up and asked me if I was ok. I told him I was and asked if he had called 911 and he said no because he thought I might and I said no because I have no phone at all. So, he called it in and I had to move the van into a parking lot. He couldn't move his car at all. The front of his taxi was smashed, but our van only needs the bumper, the light, the back door replaced. I was cold standing outside and shaky(nervous and stuff). We were there for aawhile. The guy was two miles away from me when he saw me but looked down and when he looked back up he was pretty close that he tried to miss me. I am still kinda shook up, but the thought that hit me as we were waiting for the cop to show that God may have provided this opportunity for me to witness. So, as we were waiting for the cop to be done calling in or whatever he was doing in his car I gave him two different tracts. Asked him if he went to church and he said he works all the time. I said ok. Then I asked him if he would of died today in that wreck if he knew for a 100% sure if he was going to Heaven and he said no. I asked why he said that and he said because he had done so many things to repent of. I told him that i didn't know if anyone had talked to him or heard any of this before. He said it's been awhile. I quoted Scripture(wouldn't ya know it that I couldn't remember references!grrr). I said by one man entered sin in the world which was Adam and he acted as if he knew. I said there is none righteous no not one. I said for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I told him that a person can know for sure whether they are going to heaven and not hell. I found out that he was an absent catholic. I asked him if he grew up catholic and he said catholic and southern baptist and kinda confusing. I said yes, I can see why it would be confusing. I didn't get much further than that because he was more concerned about what had happened and what was going on(he will be out of work for awhile since he has been a taxi cab driver, driving the company car). Honestly, I can say praise the Lord for the wreck! Witnessing to people will help me grow even more. I had to let go and just do it anyways because I know the Lord would want me to witness for Him and that it's not my own power that I can do it. I also thought about how there are quite a few bad cops but at the same time they are souls that need truth, too. All I can do is try to witness and let them do what they want with what they've been told. And by the way that cop talked to us with tobacco right there in his mouth between his lower lip and teeth and he spat in a cup(ewwwwwwwwww)! Leave it to me to notice little weird stuff. I am weird....praise God I guess for that! But, praise God I am safe. I am just exhausted, very exhausted. It seems God might be pruning me what for I don't know but I want to be found faithful even if I am alone and lonely.

P.S all I have is some pain in my neck and mainly middle and upper back. Arm is sore and so is my right leg. My Legs are swollen some... guess it'll be awhile before my Dad can teach me to change the oil and tire...that's a bummer.

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